General Information
The 2013 competition will take place September 6, 7, & 8 in Cape Vincent, NY. The competition is open to pianists 25 years of age and younger. There is no minimum age. Contestants compete in two age groups.
Junior Division - Pianists who are not yet 19 years old on September 1 of the competition year and have not yet graduated from high school.
Senior Division - Pianists who have graduated from high school and who are not yet 26 by Sept 1 of the competition year.
The total number of contestants accepted to participate is limited to 15. Applications will be accepted in the order of the post mark or email date/time. All elements of the application must be received before it will be accepted. (See Application section on this website for required elements.) Application deadline is June 30, 2013. Applicants will be notified if they have been accepted by July 15, 2013.
Included in the application must be the signature of the student’s piano teacher or a brief note signed by the teacher giving permission to have their student enter the competition. If instructor is not available to sign above, please have the instructor write a note and mail it or email it to the adresses listed on the Applic. Info/Entry Form.
A non-refundable entry fee of $60.00 made payable to: The Cape Vincent Arts Council/Chopin Society of the 1000 Islands must accompany your application.
Practice facilities will be made available.